The Reliance Jio store Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa Rd, Digital Xpress Mini, Property In Bearing Old No 29 Present Muncipal Door No 7-410 D,Assement No 1417 Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa Road Kollegal Town,Chamarajanagar District Kollegala-570020 timings are Mon-Sun : 10:00 AM. - 10:00 PM. and Contact Number is 08224255661/62. The email id of this store is The customers can reach to their nearest stores to purchase different products like Mobiles, Tablets, Laptops, Flat TVs, Digital Cameras etc. In this store the customers can avail various services during store timings: 1. Discover: An entire range of Computers, Mobiles, Flat TVs, Cameras, Gaming consoles, Home and Kitchen appliances showcased in the finest ambience , 2. Experience: 'Experience Zones' - Touch, Use, and Explore product features before you buy & 3. Avail of Services: resQ Services that undertake installation, maintenance and repair for all products.